TESZT tickets on sale!

TESZT tickets on sale!

The Hungarian State Theater Csiky Gergely has started selling tickets for the thirteenth edition of TESZT - Euroregional Theater Festival, which will take place during the period May 22-29, 2022. The selection brings together 24 shows that reflect the paradigm shifts in the world and the transfiguration of personal perceptions about proximity and interiority, about social and personal space, following the COVID 19 pandemic in the last two years - and aims to give a boost to the spectator's reunion with artists, to restore the theatrical community.


The festival program brings together several shows entered for the open call launched by TESZT before the art world was devastated by the pandemic restrictions. In addition, TESZT#13 has a selection of relevant shows produced in the last two years in Europe, with a focus on the productions that probe the deep springs of frailty and soul resilience and how humanity is recovering from the Covid19 pandemic. It is also the occasion for the host theater to present to an international audience its recent performances, work on at the beginning and during the pandemic - "The Tragedy of Man" (dir.Silviu Purcărete) and "The Man Who Could Only Speak What He Read." (dir.Adrian Sitaru)

The shows selected in the region for May 23, 24 and 25 also question the responsibility of those (not) involved in the war and the trauma of the peoples who went through the civil war - all can be read in a different light than of current conflicts. Thus, "Seven Terrors)" (Bosnian Zenica National Theater, dir. Selma Spahic) talks about the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, while "Eichmann in Jerusalem" (Zagreb Youth Theater, dir. Jernej Lorenci) raises the issue of collective responsibility, of potential harm, starting from Hannah Arendt's book, and "History of Motherfuckers" (National Theater Bitola, dir.Urbán András) resumes in a punk aesthetics the reasons for the war and betrayal in "Coriolanus" by W. Shakespeare.

On May 24, 25 and 26, TESZT hosts three contemporary dance shows, distinct in style and energy. "May B", inspired by the work of Samuel Beckett, is a super-production choreographed by Maguy Marin from France, a true star of contemporary dance, a show that has changed multiple distributions over the last 30 years and has been performed on thousands of stages. Josef Nadj returns to TESZT with "OMMA", a choreography for eight African dancers who intertwine their influences, traditions, artistic languages. "Empty Floor", the production of the Imperfect Dancers troupe, a resident of the Pisa Opera, sets in motion the delicate subject of Alzheimer's disease.

The Hungarian theatrical space comes to TESZT with companies that propose a contemporary rethinking of classical texts or dramatic forms, experimenting with meta-theater forms and the idea of ​​theater in theater: "Bloody short ballads" (Forte Company - Lukács Miklós Cimbiosis Trio - "Pannon Várszínház" Theater, Horváth Csaba district), "Horny Lady's Knights: Subotica Trade Union Gala Operetta" (Kosztolányi Dezső Subotica Theater, dir. Urbán András) and "Richard III Forbidden" Vádli Occasional Theater in Budapest, dir. Szikszai Rémusz).

The longest TESZT show will last for 10 hours - "still untitled", directed by Tomi Janezič, Ljubljana Youth Theater - a real marathon through dozens of love stories and different versions of the Don Juan motif. "Leonce and Lena" (The German State Theater in Timisoara) is also part of the series of fairytale love shows. "Gaia. The Sea of ​​Desire” (Kristóf Szábo FACE Ensemble, Germany) is a performance with elements of physical theater and bondage art, and the monodrama “Mistero Buffo” is a real showcase for the Croatian orchestra-actor Dražen Šivjak.

Extension - Teszt, a special section, brings together independent shows, on May 23-28. From Timișoara the selected productions are “The parallel city” (Hungarian Theatre-Diogenes-CiviCultura), “Je suis Giselle” (Unfold Motion), “Animal Crossing” (Basca Theater), all with free access, and “dosztoievskij b@r/reopening” (Arte-Factum Independent Company), show with exclusive access by reservation, and from abroad, Marco Chenevier with "One Breath" - traveling show through the city center and Teatro dei Venti with “Moby Dick", a blockbuster of imposing dimensions inspired by H. Melville's novel.

Three jazz, rock and world music concerts will convince the TESZT spectators to stay in the theater late at night. "Selfie Concert", Ivo Dimchev's latest work, is a "musical sculpture" in which the artist investigates the interaction between the performer and the audience, a reason and a different way of being together. Lukács Miklós Cimbiosis Trio presents their latest jazz album, "Music from the solitude of timeless minutes", and the playlist of the Belgrade band Vrooom will include the songs composed for more than 30 theater shows.


TESZT partners: Timișoara City Hall, Proteszt Association, Arte-Factum Cultural Association, Bastion-Várbástya Association, Timișoara National Art Museum, “Mihai Eminescu” National Theater, Timișoara French Institute, County Department of Culture Timiș County, Timis County Ats and Culture Center, Teatroskop.


Tickets are available on www.tm-t.biletmaster.ro and at the theater box office (10-13 and 16-19 from Monday to Friday) for the price of 50 lei per show, with subscriptions of 450 lei for 15 shows, 350 lei for 10 shows, 175 lei for 5 shows. The ticket for the marathon show "still without a title" costs 100 lei and is not included in the subscription options. All shows are translated into Romanian, English and Hungarian, as appropriate.

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