Seven Terrors

Seven Terrors

Bosnian National Theatre from Zenica (BIH)

“The world of the Seven Terrors is full of traps that his characters try unsuccessfully to avoid. In it, people become invisible overnight, and ghosts suddenly show up and stand up straight. There, it is difficult to see what is reality and what is a nightmare, borders are collapsing and cracks are devouring the walls until we realize that it no longer matters which side we are on, because the consequences are the same. [...] If we give up the reminder, the confrontation, it means that we have come to terms with the crime, that we agree with it and that we have nothing against the possibility of its new manifestations. Also, it means that the trap set for us by the Pegasus brothers has completely succeeded. That would be scarier than all the seven fears we carry. If we are human beings, of course.” (Selvedin Avdić, author)
“Searching for Alex, Besim will be forced to face his own guilt, but also the collective guilt - the guilt of his city. All his life he ran away from responsibility, whether it was about family gatherings, paying bills or making decisions about everyday groceries ... From a person who watched life on the side, Besim becomes the protagonist who must solve a mystery in order to get his life back on balance. As we sit hidden in the dark and watch Besim face the fears and ghosts that spring from the seemingly covered cracks of our society, we realize that this is not a story of guilt, but of the courage and responsibility of each of us as individuals. ” (Emina Omerović, playwright)
Selma Spahić (b. 1986) has directed over 30 performances in the region, staging contemporary and classical texts,  but works equally in the fields of devised and documentary theatre. She was the Artistic Director of International Theatre Festival MESS in Sarajevo from 2012 to 2017. 

Directed by: Selma Spahić
Author of the book: Selvedin Avdić
Dramatization: Emina Omerović and Selma Spahić
Set design: Mirna Ler
Costume design: Lejla Hodžić
Dramaturgy: Emina Omerović
Choreography and stage movement: Thomas Steyaert
Stage speech of the Serbian language: Dr. Dejan Sredojević
Producer: Miroljub Mijatović
Executive producer: Denis Krdžalić
Director: Sabina Glogovac

With: Ermin Bravo, Selma Mehanović, Enes Salković, Zlatan Školjić, Adis Mehanovic, Snežana Vidović, Siniša Vidović, Lana Delić, Predrag Jokanović, Muhamed Bahonjić, Uranela Agić, Tarik Hodžić/ Osman Efendić/ Arman Salihović/ Vedad Babanović, Iman Muslić/ Luna Lisica
The performance is coproduced by XX Festival of Bosnia and Herzegovina Drama Zenica 2021

Duration: 150 min one break
+ 16
Performed in Bosnian with English, Hungarian and Romanian surtitles


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