
“One might simplify this by saying: men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at… Thus she turns herself into an object -- and most particularly an object of vision: a sight.” (John Berger: Ways of Seeing, 1972)


Seven creatures, seven female bodies. Virgins, queens, thinkers, mothers and warriors. They appear for you and through you. Your imagination brings them to life and they are ready to take back what is theirs.


Queendom is at the intersection of contemporary performance, physical theatre and drag shows. It is based on structured improvisation where the audience’s presence becomes the co-creator of a performance that takes a different shape every night. It displays female and male representations from the Renaissance up to today’s pop culture. It presents roles, projecting them onto each other until their contours fade, allowing the audience’s gaze to redraw them.

The performance displays explicit sexual content and nudity.


Running time: 1h 20’

Recommended for adults aged 18 and older

Performed in English and Hungarian, with simultaneous translation in English, Hungarian and Romanian

Performers: Borsos Luca, Julia Jakubowska, Kemény Rozália, Lakos Fanni, Lori Baldwin, Makra Viktória, Sarah Günther

Assistant of director: Kallós Viola

Assistant of Production: Eszter Faragó-Kovách

Consultants: Ladjánszki Márta, Vadas Tamara Zsófia

Costumes: Ádám Anna

Visuals: Poór Dorottya, Szabó Veronika

Lighting: Bredán Máté, Major Matyi

Music editor: Somló Dávid

Special thanks to: Cserne Klára, Rózsavölgyi Zsuzsa, Vavra Júlia

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