
eGGshells was born from the need to explore the transcendent, telepathic communication as the epitome of the intimate relationship of a couple. eGGshells establishes, above all, an experience that offers a new dimension for dialogue, where social relationships and expressions are rethought: theatre as a microcosm of society immerses the audience into the silence and music of the bodies communicating. It is defined by the tension and denial that is at the core of this relationship between two men.

Lander Patrick (Brasil, 1989) has suffered from chronic asthma since moving from Brazil to Portugal in the year he was born. He played volleyball to ward off the disease, but eventually graduated in dance. Lander has worked around the world with people he admires, such as Luís Guerra, Tomaz Simatovic, Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Alejandro Ahmed, Margarida Bettencourt, and Jonas Lopes, among others. After having won two awards in choreography (1st prize at the Koreografskih Minijatura Festival in Serbia for Noodles Never Break When Boiled, respectively 2nd prize at the No Ballet International Choreography Competition in Germany for eGGshells) he found the motivation to work in the field of choreographic creation rather than in a call centre. Cascas d’OvO was selected for Aerowaves Priority Company 2014 and his work has been presented in Portugal, Italy, Sweden, USA, Germany, Brazil, France, England, Spain, Serbia, Poland, Switzerland, etc. He lives in Lisbon in a camper van with his love and believes that vegetarianism will contribute to the prolonged existence of the planet.

Opening night: 19 September 2013
Running time: 45 minutes without intermission
Non-verbal performance

Photo: Günter Krämer, ZürichTanzt
Original title: Cascas d’OvO

Dramaturgical Assistance: Jonas Lopes
Lighting Designer: Lander Patrick, Rui Daniel
Light Operation: Carlos Ramos 
Production and Touring: [PI] Produções Independentes | Tânia M. Guerreiro
Co-production: Festival Materiais Diversos

Performed by 
Jonas Lopes
Lander Patrick


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