Europe, Europe

Europe, Europe

„We have to recreate the european man, rebuild him from the little broken pieces. We attach the head to the placenta, and so on. We glue some hair on the cracked, crazy skulls.
- I have a feeling you didn`t get the zeigeist of this era. Europe needs nothing more than a little bit of rococo and jazz."

Europe, after the chataclism, the expulsion of the Turks. It stays in ruins, just like everything else that ever mattered. And the society filled with lack, desperetly tried to re-define love, conections, family, homeland, sacrifice, art and God himself.

26 may, 17:00
Studio Hall

online tickets

Translated by: Marsalkó Eszter

Directed by: Koltai M. Gábor
Set design: Vereckei Rita
Costume design: Ondraschek Péter
Light design: Fodor Gergely
Director's assistant: Rusznák Adrienn
Dramaturgy: Sediánszky Nóra

LIPÓT, Austrian emperor: Spilák Lajos
EMPRESS: Nyakó Júlia
STARHEMBERG, the emperors captain: Menszátor Héresz Attila
KATRIN, a wounded citizen: Homonnai Katalin
SUSANNA, Katrin`s sister: Hay Anna
ORPHULS, priest: Nagypál Gábor
PAINTER at the court: Lovas Dániel
FIRST MOTHER, Orphuls`s mother/ SECOND MOTHER: Starhemberg`s mother / MIDWIFE: Molnár Erika

Soldiers, Turkish prisoners, students of the anatomy faculty, academics, critics, ministers, beggars and a nun.

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