Side Effects
„God is silent. I wish man would be silent, too!"
„The only characteristic of „reality" is that it is lacking essence. I don’t wish to say that it has no essence, but that it is devoid of it."
”If you don’t keep making mistakes, you must be doing nothing innovative."
When saying Woody Allen’s name, you immediately get the image of the neurotic intellectual from New York, who is wearing reading glasses, spends most of his time in therapy and not with his partner, parents or at his job. Looking behind this man, you will remember, first of all, the director of the hit movies “Annie Hall”, “Hannah and her sisters”, “Take the money and run!” etc. But Allen is not only one of the finest script-writers, a unique director and actor, but also the dramatist author of four short story volumes who made his way into literature. His short stories reveal elements which are also present in his movies: discreet intellectual humor, sometimes brutally absurd punch lines, the life philosophy which looks at everything through the crooked mirror of satire. But are they still valid today, are these stories, concentrating the essence of Allen’s artistic universe, still impressive?
Duration of performance: 1h 20'
Performed in Hungarian, with Romanian translation
Dramaturgy: Gyulay Eszter
Costumes: Cseh Renátó
Set design: Albert Alpár
Stage management: Kertész Éva
Prompter: Czumbil Marika
Poster: Benedek Levente
Photos: Bíró Márton
Allen: László Pecka Péter
Bryan: Aszalos Géza
Connie: Magyari Etelka
Daphne: Tokai Andrea
Ernest: Bandi András Zsolt